Welcome to our secondary curriculum page! Our resources strongly ground Seventh-day Adventist PreK-12 students in the Revelation 14 message of a God of love about to intervene for humanity. Our high school curriculum builds on the solid foundation in the preceding grades. We offer four micro-units and a semester-long course in student-led evangelism. Everything is provided for you, with North American Division standards in language arts, Bible, social studies, and science integrated into the lessons.
Our vibrant, relevant micro-units can be taught in two-four weeks, enriching your students’ lives as they take “deep dives” into the three angels’ messages and make applications to their own lives. Feel free to teach these short, faith-boosting units in any sequence. There is no right or wrong way to the order in which they are taught. Our longer course, Three Cosmic Messages, fulfills Carnegie-unit requirements for one semester of high school credit.
All units include slides in Keynote and PowerPoint formats with audio and video links; highly interactive lessons with step-by-step procedures, open-ended conversation starters, informational teaching points and relevant class applications; North American Division standards with content integration; project-based learning extensions with assessment rubrics; and our Three Angels for Today journal inviting student response through art, poetry, prayer, and personal reflection.
HOMESCHOOLERS: The high school lessons have not been specifically adapted for homeschool families. However, the content is applicable to all students, whether they are learning at home or school. High school students gain new insights and grow spiritually as they learn to think critically and apply the three angels’ messages to their lives today.
Homeschool families will need to be aware that:
Lessons include group work. If your student is working alone, please modify as necessary.
Lessons are teacher (or parent) driven. The curriculum is delivered by the adult, with the student engaging in varied activities and discussions. The lessons are not intended to be done independently.
Lessons engage students in open-ended discussions. Be prepared to have lively conversations with your child as s/he expresses opinions and personally applies the learning.

The First Angel’s
Call to Identity
Students form healthy identities and respect for all people groups as they grasp the true meaning of the first angel’s judgment message. Lessons lead to an understanding that we can face the judgment knowing we are covered by Jesus’ sacrifice for us. This releases us from placing an undue emphasis on ourselves or judging others. We gain our identity in Christ, put aside self, make courageous choices and reach for higher levels of moral, upright living.
In Track 1, students complete the unit by conducting qualitative or quantitative research to determine feelings about the judgment in selected populations. In Track 2, students access the data from previous classes to design and carry out projects that will lead others to a proper understanding of God’s love in light of the first angel’s judgment hour message.
The First Angel’s
Call to Worship
Bible, language arts, history and science come to life in this unit as students study the second half of the first angel’s message, “worship Him who made the heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Lessons engage the class as they explore the scientific arguments for creationism and the historical change of the Sabbath.
Connections are drawn between the first angel’s message in Revelation, the fourth commandment, God as the Creator of the universe, and the command to worship Him on the seventh day. Students extend their learning by delivering a presentation to a live audience tying these themes together.

The Second Angel’s
Call to Liberty
High synergy for Bible and government classes is provided in these lessons covering the second angel’s proclamation of the fall of Babylon. Current court cases are examined which threaten to remove the freedom to act according to Christian convictions and a moral compass. Students are invited to formulate fresh Christian insights as they study cases involving public displays of religious symbols, weddings for same-sex couples, and the rights of Christian institutions to require workers to uphold their values.
Legal topics include the Establishment and Freedom of Religion clauses of the Constitution, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Equality Act vs Fairness for All, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Ministerial Exemption to the First Amendment. Students present a legal case involving religious liberty at the conclusion of the study.
The Third Angel’s
Call to Action
The third angel’s warning of the mark in the hand and forehead as contrasted with faith in Jesus provides a call to live moral and upright lives now. History and scripture guide students as they study the ancient civilization of Rome and identify the beast of Revelation and its mark.
Various sociological phenomena are examined, including diffusion of responsibility, social cueing, and the bystander effect. Students are challenged to follow their conscience, stand up for convictions, and put their total faith and trust in Jesus. The final project provides opportunity for students to extend the learning into their own world through project-based learning.

Three Cosmic Messages Full-Semester Study with
Student-led Evangelism
Based on the book Three Cosmic Messages by Mark Finley, this course is ideal for students who wish to gain additional Bible credit. As participants deepen their knowledge of the three angels’ messages, they learn skills in sermon preparation and delivery, audience awareness, use of illustrations, making an appeal, etc.
Video clips of Mark Finley, along with other noted Adventist speakers, are used to demonstrate effective strategies in public speaking. Following instruction, the remainder of the semester is used for planning, preparing and executing an evangelistic series on the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.

Three Cosmic Messages
Mark Finley's book
on the Three Angels
of Revelation 14
TWO TITANIC POWERS IN OUR UNIVERSE HAVE BEEN AT WAR for thousands of years. It’s a battle between love and selfishness, between good and evil, between Jesus and Satan—once named Lucifer, the highest of heaven’s angels.
CALLING OUT IN LOUD VOICES, THREE ANGELS of Revelation,chapter 14 announce last-day messages of warning, of hope, of love, and of what we most need to know as the final days of time on this earth are running out.
Order one for each student taking the Capstone Course.